Team USA’s Male Hotties

Hello Hello,

On a happier post and keeping in theme with the Olympics, I decided to create a post similar to one I created for the summer Olympics. Now it’s no surprise as a girl I take a closer look not at the sport but at the athletes themselves. It’s not to say I’m not enjoying the Winter Olympics. I love watching any Olympic event from Figure Skating, to Slopestyle Skiing, to the riveting Cross Country Skiing. I have literally watched at least 63.5 hours worth of Olympics. That is the equivalent of almost 3 full days. That’s a lot of time and I have actually learned a lot about sports I would otherwise have no clue about. Even though I still can’t tell you what a 960 Japan Air looks like or understand how they can land and ski backward. But let’s get to the fun stuff, the hotties. So there have been a few boys to catch my eye this Olympics, but only one truly won my heart.  So let’s begin.

6. Nick Goepper

So if you’ve heard his name associated with the Olympics it will probably be related to the #iwanttodatenick campaign. On Valentine’s day this Olympic Bronze Medalist announced he needed a Valentine. Well it all then grew into an actual competition to win a date with this adorable skier. He really does seem to be very funny and sweet. And best of all his twitter is full of him appreciating entries and answering tweets. I think in the end Nick will be getting dates for quite some time. He’s included in the list simply for the his charming chill demeanor, his silly shenanigans with fellow skiers and how can you resist that smile.


5. Charlie White

Now this bouncy haired boy has won gold and thousands of hearts with his genuine charisma and teamwork. He loves his sport so much he’s kept his real relationship on the down low. You can’t help but not smile when you see him smile. You just want to be best friends with him because he seems like the kind of guy to be there for you no matter what. He is perfectly paired with the graceful and adorable Meryl Davis. They truly make the most adorable pair and truly seem to be the best of friends.


4. Patrick Kane (& basically half of the hockey team)

I have no idea what it is about hockey players, but boy does that sport attract handsome men (even if they loose a teeth or two in a game). But coming from living in Illinois for 5 years I have to include the Chicago Blackhawks hottie Patrick Kane. His golden locks, blue eyes and charming smile has every girl swooning. I don’t know much about him other than he seems like the nice guy that may sometimes get overlooked. And that also, of course, he is a tremendous player (he did after all make it to the Olympic team).


3. John Daly

Now if you don’t know anything about this guy, know this: he participates in quite possibly the most dangerous sport in the Olympics. He basically dives head first into a slide of ice on a small board that goes up to 80mph. Yes he is in Skeleton (the name of the sport should tell you everything). You basically have to be insane to participate in this sport. But he does it well and is so far unharmed. The other great thing about this guy is his sense of humor. Now him and his roomie Steve Langton have a YouTube channel called “Daly Nitro”. If you have not checked them out yet, PLEASE DO. Their hillarious short videos will get you laughing even in the most inopportune moments (yes I busted out laughing at work and got asked several times why I was laughing so hard).


2. Steve Langton

Which takes me to my number two, John Daly’s partner in crime. This muscly bobsledder is truly a sight to be seen. A fellow Bostonian who is always very well dressed (even if it is a bit Bro-ish) seems quite shy on camera. During interviews he generally takes back seat to his teammates, but in his own video his sense of humor is full on. He seems like truly a great guy, just the kind of guy you bring home to meet your parents. Am I hopeful that one day walking around Boston I will bump into him? Heck yes I am. But I kind of would just love meeting him.

And now, for my number one not only because of looks but because of his golden heart (that has captured at least a piece of mine):

1. Gus Kenworthy

You might have heard his name associated with one thing during these Olympic Games: PUPPIES! That’s right this is that guy. This blue eyed hottie came into these games simply hoping to win a medal and compete in the Olympics. But he did so much more. He won his medal alright, a SILVER medal along with his fellow skiers Nick Goepper and Joss Christensen. Yep they swept the podium and I was so happy for them that day. Til this day when they show the picture of all three on the podium I can’t help but smile. But back to this adorable guy. He not only won a medal but a family too. He, along with others, saw the problem Sochi had with strays. But unlike everyone else he decided to act. The best part is he genuinely didn’t do any of it for publicity or any of that, he did it because that’s what felt right. And for that he won not only me over but thousands upon thousands of girls and moms (yes so many moms want him for their daughters). The cuteness of the puppies didn’t really factor in, even though they are so incredibly adorable, it was just the fact he saw a family of puppies and a mom struggling as strays and felt the need to do something about it. Truly amazing. Not only being an amazing athlete but a true kind human being. Also if you watched his races before every run he did the cutest thing possible. He’d look at the camera and say “Hi Mom!” and waved. It made me giggle every time. And if all that wasn’t enough, if you creep enough on his Instagram you’ll see what an amazing photographer and photo editor he truly is. He is a man of many talents. Overall he just seems like such an amazing guy. Any girl who gets to date him, is truly a very lucky girl.


Gus along with Nick and Joss (I speak of them as if we’re best friends on first name basis haha) are going to be in NYC all week long. And guess who will be there starting Friday and then the weekend, THIS GAL! So if fate is on my side (and I’m hoping it is) maybe Ill get to run into Gus and who knows, maybe sweep him off his feet. That would be the ultimate dream come true. Before I leave, I’ll leave you with the most adorable picture in the history of cuteness that was posted this morning. That’s the pup he’s keeping for himself, naming her Rosa.

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So that is all for my list of hotties. If you’re saying “but why did she not include this guy? or that guy?” All I can say is even though I have watched about 64 hours of Olympics, the US has over 200 athletes! There is no way I saw all of them or remember all of them. Of course I missed some or forgot someone, these are the ones that stood out to me. Also the beautiful thing in this world is, what’s attractive to me may not be attractive to you and vice versa. So before you get all judgy or yell at me, make your own list and post it. We’re all allowed to express our opinions, and I’d love to see what other people think! Thank you for reading this incredibly long (boy obsessed) post. I hope you have enjoyed it and I hope you are enjoying the Winter Olympics as much as I am. I am so proud of the entire Team USA!

Much love,


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