What Team?

Hello Hello,

So it’s Wednesday and I’ve been off my A-game as far as posting goes, but you know who was on their A-Game this weekend? THE PATRIOTS!

So after living in the US for 12 years I hadn’t found a football team I actually wanted to cheer for. In Michigan , college football is huge and while there we rooted for the Wolverines because my dad was at U of M. In Miami, because of my dislike of the city the Dolphins were never an option. And while in Illinois, da Bears never really spoke to me. But since I’ve been here, I think I’ve developed Pats Fever. (Don’t get me wrong I am not watching games or attending them, but just appreciating the team and the supporters.)

Could this be the Superbowl win high? Maybe. Could I be so excited because I’ve been watching the parade for the past 2 hours? Probably.

But either way, I love the love these people have for their team. Game days are holy. Loving the Patriots isn’t simply a sport, it’s a way of life! I appreciate that the fans recognize wins are based on luck but on hard work. The players are wholesome with sprinkles of crazy. This is a team I can definitely get on board with!

The love for this team is contagious and I want to be a part of this fan base. Regardless I’ve been a Brady fan for a while, but now I’m a Patriots fan.

It’s been a huge year so far, and I think becoming a fan would only add to the awesomeness.

Just thought I’d publicly declare my loyalty to the Patriots! I am now part of Patriot Nation! Woooo!

Stay tuned for a new post tomorrow!

Much love always,


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